Exercise of the Month of April

Single Leg Bridge

April's Exercise of the Month, the Single Leg Bridge, is a great exercise to activate your “posterior chain” of gluts and hamstrings while simultaneously challenging your core to stabilize itself.

Start laying flat on your back with your arms to your side and the soles of your shoes flat on the ground with a 90 degree bend at your knee.

Lift one foot up in the air, keeping your thighs parallel to each other. They should stay parallel to each other throughout the motion.

Push through your heel on the ground as you squeeze your gluts and raise your hips toward the ceiling, until you have achieved a straight line from chest to knees. Count to three and then slowly lower back to starting position.

Dylan’s Expert Trainer Tip:
If single leg bridge is too challenging, start by building strength and form for performing standard double leg bridges.
This exercise should be a staple of any runner’s strength training program or utilized during cross training sessions.