Exercise of the Month of March

Straight Leg Kettlebell Deadlift
This month’s exercise is the Straight Leg Kettlebell Deadlift, affectionately known as the Stork Stance Deadlift. 
To perform this movement, start standing with your legs together, arms by your side, and a kettlebell in one hand. 

Lean forward, hinging on your hips and keeping your core engaged and back straight.  As you lean forward, allow the arm with the kettle bell to glide down the front of one leg while simultaneously extending the opposite leg straight back behind you. 

Attempt to continue to lean forward until your leg and torso are parallel with the ground.  Hold this position for two counts and then slowly return to the standing position in the same manner, gliding the kettle bell back up one leg while returning the opposite leg to the ground. 
Repeat 10-15 times on each leg.  The free arm may be used for balance throughout the movement.

Kelli's Expert trainer tip: Start with a lighter bell until you perfect the movement. Once you have good core stabilization, you can increase the weight.