This core exercise requires a lightweight medicine or small Pilates ball.
Start by lying on your back.
Curl up your head and shoulders to hold the ball between your elbows and the tops of your knees.
Your knees should be above your hips at a 90 degree angle.
Use your hands to support your head, but do not pull on your head and neck.
Exhale to return your right leg to the ball.
Repeat with your left leg.
The lower your extended leg is to the floor, the more challenging the exercise. But watch out for excessive arching of your low back with the extension
Try to complete 20 total leg extensions to complete one set.
To make this exercise a little easier:
Extend leg toward the ceiling
To make it more challenging:
Extend your leg out and hold for the three counts before returning knee to ball
Neva's Expert Trainer tip:
When doing CORE exercises slow down and focus on proper breathing and control. Complete a full exhale when contracting the core muscles.
Neva and many of our other great trainers are here all summer. Contact if you are interested in Personal Training at Duke.