Once you have the proper form for the KB Swing down, the next step is a KB Clean.
The Clean is another foundational movement which is explosive in nature like the swing. It also prepares you for other KB movements like the Offset Squat or the Shoulder Press and Push Press.
(Scroll down to the Exercise of the Month in Feb 2013 if you would like to revisit the KB Swing)

1. Place a medium/heavy
KB on the ground between and slightly in front of your feet with the handle
angled back
2. Grab the bell with
your right hand with your thumb pointing back and to the left
3. Drag the bell back
between your legs to initiate a swing movement.
4. Thrust the hips up as
you would with a swing, but as your fist gets to about hip height, bend your
elbow bringing the bell close to your body
You should feel like
you are skimming your thumb straight up your rib cage
5. As you get to the top
of your chest, rotate the elbow down as you pull the kettlebell
up, halting it on the outside of your shoulder.
The key to this move is to use the hips and legs to help drive the weight up, rotating the shoulder so that the weight rests at shoulder level. Take care with this move and try not to let the weight flop against your wrist.
Mary Ann's Expert Trainer Tip: When done well, the bell won't bang on your arm causing bruising or pain on your upper arm or the base of your forearm. Sometimes squeezing the bell tightly just as it reaches the shoulder will stop any excessive movement.
Start with a lighter weight to get your form down.