Exercise of the Month - Depth Jump

Personal trainer Kenny shares this plyometric exercise which is great for anyone looking to increase overall power and increase his or her vertical jump. It can be very sport specific for runners, jumpers, basketball players, football players, and tennis players, and more!

 To perform this exercise:
·         Start at the top of a box or platform

·         Step forward off the platform

·         Land symmetrically on both feet and more on the balls of you feet

·         Your weight should then shift towards your heels and into a squat position to prepare for the jump up

·         Explode up and jump as high as you can off of the ground

Points to remember:
-          Always warm-up before performing this exercise
-          Only perform this exercise if you are able to complete it with proper form
            o   Really focus on landing and jumping up symmetrically
            o   Good trunk, hip, and knee alignment throughout the exercise
-          Land soft and explode up
-          Best if you perform this exercise towards the beginning of your workout
-          Best if you perform this exercise with a high set/lower rep strategy in order to ensure recovery and get maximal power benefits

 Kenny's Trainer Tip:
Get someone to take a video of you performing this exercise from the front and from the side so you can check your form and see where any deficits may be.