The Exercise for January is the Single Leg Squat
This functional lower body exercise can be modified as your glute strength and hip flexibility improve.Balance on one leg with opposite leg extended behind you.
Extending your arms in front, squat down as far as possible while keeping back leg elevated off of floor.
Keep back straight and supporting knee pointed same direction as foot.
Raise body back up to original position until your supporting knee and hip are straight.
Complete your desired rep range before switching legs.
Align your knee above your working ankle and try not to slide forward onto your toes.

Advanced Moves:
Stand on a Plyo Box and extend leg forward instead of back.
Or try a PISTOL Squat by extending your leg in front of you and lowering down. One great way to become proficient at this challenging exercise is to anchor yourself with a railing or a door frame.
Eileen's expert trainer tip:
Use a mirror to assure your hips are even, your knees is tracking properly and your back maintains a neutral curve.